Saturday, January 22, 2011

"Hello? Hello? I think the phone just went dead..."

"Hell no, dude. We need to get out of here. I've seen this movie."

Alice slammed the phone back on the base and grabbed her purse. "I know I don't say this often enough, but you're right. Let's go."

"Way ahead of you," Ginny barreled for the back door with her friend right behind her. They heard the front door get smashed open as they bolted into the wet grass at the back of the house.

Alice slipped and went down in the mud, cursing all the way. Ginny hauled her up by her dress's skirt and they staggered to the back gate as they heard the racket of the house being ransacked.

"What the hell did you do," Ginny panted as they burst through the gate and hauled butt down the street.

"Nothing! At least, nothing I know of!"

"Wait a second, why are we not in a car?"

Alice tugged on her friend's arm. "Because both our cars are out front, and we don't know how many of them came to the house."

Prompt from The Writer's Book of Matches, page 154.

I write like
J. K. Rowling

I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!


  1. Okay, going to make some notes while I'm thinking about it. Alice is wearing a sort of gypsy-esque dress. White with little blue flowers.

  2. ROFL. "I've seen this movie. The black girl dies first." XDDD

  3. -cacklefit-

    OMG, girl, you make me laugh so hard...Ginny. -shifty eyes-


    Even though that's not your real name, it totally suits you.
